Last Update:  June 25, 2024
Your privacy is of utmost importance to Flecha Cantina, LLC and its affiliates (collectively, “Flecha Cantina”). We strive to ensure that you feel secure and comfortable when accessing our website, our partner sites, mobile application, or subscribing to our mailing list. We invite you to carefully review this Privacy Policy to understand how we collect, use, and safeguard your personally identifiable information. By using our website, our partner sites, mobile application, or by joining our mailing list, you consent to the practices outlined in this Privacy Policy. Please note that this policy exclusively pertains to the information we gather online through (the “Website”) or our mobile application (the “App”).
Information You Provide to Us
When you purchase our products, visit our website, visit partner sites or use our mobile application, we collect the personal information you provide.  The types of information we may collect include:
  • Personal Identifiers: name, email address, postal address, telephone number, and online identifiers
  • Internet Activity
  • Commercial Information: purchases and purchase history
  • Financial Information: credit or debit card number
  • Location Information: general location data
Information Collected from Third-Party Platforms
If you interact with us through, or reference us on, social media or other third-party platforms, we may collect information about you. This may include communications, your name, the username associated with that platform, email address phone number and any information or content you have permitted the platform to share with us. The privacy policy of the respective platform provider will govern your interactions with the platform and its collection, use, and sharing of your personal information, including when you engage with pages we maintain on social media platforms. We will handle personal information received from such platforms in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We advise you to review your privacy settings on your social media or other third-party accounts to understand what information is shared with us and how to limit this sharing.
Browser Cookies
We use cookies to enhance your experience on our site. Cookies prevent you from having to log in repeatedly and help us remember items you’ve added to your cart. We may also use third-party cookies for advertising and analytics purposes. You can manage these cookies through your browser settings.
Data Retention
We retain data only for as long as necessary for the purposes outlined in this policy. Data retention periods are as follows:
Type of Data
Retention Period
Cookies and online data we collect while you use our website, mobile app or partner sites including Online Identifiers
We delete or anonymize data concerning your use of our website, mobile app or partner sites within 25 years of collecting it.
Data we collect to process and ship orders you place with us, including Name, Email address, Postal address, Internet Activity, Purchases, Credit or debit card number, geolocation
We retain personal information related to the products and services you purchase for the duration necessary to fulfill our contractual obligations to you and for a period of 25 years from the date of your last purchase. Personal data may be retained beyond this period in anonymized form.
Data we collect when you contact us for guest support and other inquiries, including Name, Email address, Postal address, Telephone number
We keep guest feedback and correspondence with our guest service for up to 25 years to help us respond to any questions or complaints. We may keep data beyond this period in anonymized form.
Data we collect when you sign up for promotional and marketing communications, including Name, Email address, Postal address, Telephone number
Upon consenting to receive promotional and marketing communications from us, we will maintain any collected data until you choose to unsubscribe or request its deletion. Additionally, we may retain data in anonymized formats beyond this period. Furthermore, we will keep a record of all opt-out requests to ensure compliance with your communication preferences
Data we collect when you review our products, answer surveys, or send feedback, including Name, Online Identifiers
We retain review, survey, and feedback data for a period of up to 25 years after your most recent interaction with us. Data may be retained beyond this timeframe in anonymized form to facilitate continuous improvement of our products and services.
Data we collect in connection with privacy requests, including Name, Email address, Postal address, Telephone number
We retain records associated with privacy requests for the duration necessary to fulfill our legal obligations, with a minimum retention period of 24 months.
Data we collect for security purposes, including Name, Email address, Postal address, Telephone number
We retain security-related data for the duration required to meet our legal obligations and to uphold and enhance our information security protocols.
Purpose of Processing Your Information
We process personal information for the following business and commercial purposes:
  • Data Analysis
  • Conducting Surveys
  • Creating Guest Profiles
  • Delivering Targeted Advertising
  • Order Fulfillment
  • Product and Service Improvement
  • Internal Business Operations
  • Marketing Products and Services
  • Compliance with Legal and Regulatory Requirements
  • Website and Mobile Application Operations
  • Fraud Prevention
  • Payment Processing
  • Guest Support Provision
  • Cybersecurity Measures
  • Sending Promotional Communications
  • Data Storage and Management
  • Tracking Purchases and Guest Data
Disclosure of Your Information

We may disclose personal information about you for business and commercial purposes when you purchase our products, visit our website, visit partner sites, or use our mobile application:
Personal Information Category
Categories of Service Providers
Categories of Third Parties
Personal Identifiers
Ad Networks, Business Operations Tool, Commerce Software Tools, Contractors, Guest Support Tools, Governance, Risk & Compliance Software, IT Infrastructure Services, Payment Processors, Professional Services, Sales & Marketing Tools, and Social Networks
Commerce Software Tools, Data Analytics Providers, Payment Processors, and Sales & Marketing Tools
Internet Activity
Ad Networks, Business Operations Tool, Contractors, IT Infrastructure Services, Payment Processors, Professional Services, Sales & Marketing Tools, and Social Networks Payment Processors, Professional Services, Sales & Marketing Tools, and Social Networks
Business Operations Tool, Data Analytics Providers, and Sales & Marketing Tools
Commercial Information
Ad Networks, Business Operations Tool, Contractors, Governance, Risk & Compliance Software, IT Infrastructure Services, Payment Processors, Professional Services, and Sales & Marketing Tools
Commerce Software Tools, Payment Processors, and Sales & Marketing Tools
Financial Information
Business Operations Tool, Contractors, Governance, Risk & Compliance Software, IT Infrastructure Services, Payment Processors, Professional Services, and Sales & Marketing Tools
Commerce Software Tools, Payment Processors, and Sales & Marketing Tools
State Law Privacy Rights
California (CCPA)
This section provides additional information for California residents under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). The terms used herein have the same definitions as outlined in the CCPA. This section excludes information not categorized as “personal information,” such as anonymous, deidentified, or aggregated data, and nor does it apply to publicly available information as defined by the CCPA.
Information Collection
We collect personal information you provide when you purchase our products, visit our website, visit partners sites or use our mobile application. Categories of information collected may include:
  • Personal identifiers, such as name, email address, postal address, phone number, and online identifiers
  • Internet activity
  • Commercial information, such as purchase details
  • Financial information, including credit or debit card numbers
  • Location information, encompassing precise geolocation and general location data
Deidentification Process
Where processing deidentified personal information, we undertake measures to prevent reidentification of such data.
Data Retention
We retain data only as long as necessary for the purposes described in this Policy, typically in accordance with the following guidelines:
Type of Data
Retention Period
Cookies and online data we collect while you use our website, mobile app or partner sites including Online Identifiers
We delete or anonymize data concerning your use of our website, mobile app or partner sites within 25 years of collecting it.
Data we collect to process and ship orders you place with us, including Name, Email address, Postal address, Internet Activity, Purchases, Credit or debit card number, geolocation
We retain personal information related to the products and services you purchase for the duration necessary to fulfill our contractual obligations to you and for a period of 25 years from the date of your last purchase. Personal data may be retained beyond this period in anonymized form.
Data we collect when you contact us for guest support and other inquiries, including Name, Email address, Postal address, Telephone number
We keep guest feedback and correspondence with our guest service for up to 25 years to help us respond to any questions or complaints. We may keep data beyond this period in anonymized form.
Data we collect when you sign up for promotional and marketing communications, including Name, Email address, Postal address, Telephone number
Upon consenting to receive promotional and marketing communications from us, we will maintain any collected data until you choose to unsubscribe or request its deletion. Additionally, we may retain data in anonymized formats beyond this period. Furthermore, we will keep a record of all opt-out requests to ensure compliance with your communication preferences.
Data we collect when you review our products, answer surveys, or send feedback, including Name, Online Identifiers
We retain review, survey, and feedback data for a period of up to 25 years after your most recent interaction with us. Data may be retained beyond this timeframe in anonymized form to facilitate continuous improvement of our products and services.
Data we collect in connection with privacy requests, including Name, Email address, Postal address, Telephone number
We retain records associated with privacy requests for the duration necessary to fulfill our legal obligations, with a minimum retention period of 24 months.
Data we collect for security purposes, including Name, Email address, Postal address, Telephone number
We retain security-related data for the duration required to meet our legal obligations and to uphold and enhance our information security protocols.
Purpose of Processing Your Information
We process personal information for the following business and commercial purposes:
  • Data Analysis
  • Conducting Surveys
  • Creating Guest Profiles
  • Delivering Targeted Advertising
  • Order Fulfillment
  • Product and Service Improvement
  • Internal Business Operations
  • Marketing Products and Services
  • Compliance with Legal and Regulatory Requirements
  • Website and Mobile Application Operations
  • Fraud Prevention
  • Payment Processing
  • Guest Support Provision
  • Cybersecurity Measures
  • Sending Promotional Communications
  • Data Storage and Management
  • Tracking Purchases and Guest Data
Disclosure of Your Information

We may disclose personal information about you for business and commercial purposes when you purchase our products, visit our website, visit partner sites, or use our mobile application:
Personal Information Category
Categories of Service Providers
Categories of Third Parties
Personal Identifiers
Ad Networks, Business Operations Tool, Commerce Software Tools, Contractors, Customer Support Tools, Governance, Risk & Compliance Software, IT Infrastructure Services, Payment Processors, Professional Services, Sales & Marketing Tools, and Social Networks
Commerce Software Tools, Data Analytics Providers, Payment Processors, and Sales & Marketing Tools
Internet Activity
Ad Networks, Business Operations Tool, Contractors, IT Infrastructure Services, Payment Processors, Professional Services, Sales & Marketing Tools, and Social Networks
Business Operations Tool, Data Analytics Providers, and Sales & Marketing Tools
Commercial Information
Ad Networks, Business Operations Tool, Contractors, Governance, Risk & Compliance Software, IT Infrastructure Services, Payment Processors, Professional Services, and Sales & Marketing Tools
Commerce Software Tools, Payment Processors, and Sales & Marketing Tools
Financial Information
Business Operations Tool, Contractors, Governance, Risk & Compliance Software, IT Infrastructure Services, Payment Processors, Professional Services, and Sales & Marketing Tools
Commerce Software Tools, Payment Processors, and Sales & Marketing Tools
Information “sharing” and “selling”
We “sell” certain personal data to third parties, as that term is defined in the CCPA, including Personal Identifiers and Internet Activity.
You may opt-out of these data practices by sending an email to
We do not “share” personal data with third parties, as that term is defined in the CCPA.
We do not knowingly sell or share (for cross-context behavioral advertising) the personal information of consumers under 16 years of age.
Opt-out preference signals
Your browser settings may allow you to automatically transmit an opt-out preference signal, such as the Global Privacy Control (GPC) signal, to online services you visit. When we detect such signal, we place a U.S. Privacy String setting in your browser so that any third party who respects that signal will not track your activity on our website. Your request to opt-out of sale/sharing will be linked to your browser identifier only and not linked to any account information because the connection between your browser and the account is not known to us. GPC is supported by certain internet browsers or as a browser extension. Find out how to enable GPC.
Your CCPA rights

Your privacy rights under the CCPA are described below or by emailing us at
Right to Access
You have the right to access the specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you. If you submit more than two Access Requests within a 12-month period, or if we determine a request to be manifestly unfounded or excessive, we may require a nominal fee for this service.
Right to Delete
You have the right to request the deletion of any personal information you have provided to us. Subject to applicable legal requirements, we will delete your personal information from our records and inform our service providers, contractors, and third parties that you have requested deletion of your personal information.
Right to Non-Discrimination
If you exercise your CCPA privacy rights, we will not engage in discriminatory practices, such as charging a different price or providing a different level or quality of products or services. We also commit not to retaliate against you as an employee, job applicant, or independent contractor for exercising your privacy rights.
Right to Opt-Out
You have the right to opt-out of the sale and sharing of your personal information.
By emailing us at
Right to Correct
You have the right to rectify inaccuracies in your personal data, considering the nature of the data and our processing purposes.
Right to Limit the Use of Sensitive Personal Information
The Right to Limit does not apply because we do not utilize your sensitive personal information to draw inferences about you.
Request Verification
Prior to responding to a privacy request, we will verify your identity as the consumer who is the subject of the CCPA request. Requests to Opt-Out or Limit the Use of Sensitive Data (where applicable) do not necessitate verification.
Verification typically involves confirming specific details about yourself based on information already in our possession. For instance, you may be asked to confirm access to the email address we have on record for you. If we are unable to verify your identity based on our records, we cannot proceed with fulfilling your CCPA request
Authorized Agent
A California resident’s authorized agent may submit a CCPA rights request by emailing us at Requests from authorized agents will still require verification of the consumer who is the subject of the request, following the process outlined above. We will also require proof that the consumer authorized the agent to submit the request on their behalf, either by verifying their own identity directly with us or by confirming directly with us that they granted permission to the authorized agent. An authorized agent with power of attorney under California Probate Code sections 4121 to 4130 may provide proof of statutory authority, which does not require separate verification of the consumer.
If you encounter difficulties accessing this notice, please contact us at
Contact Us
If you have any privacy-related questions or have trouble accessing this notice, please email